FlashInfo vs ZoomInfo We win every time.

Why users choose FlashInfo?
  • Verified emails, direct dials and mobile numbers contact data with 98% accuracy

  • 1+ billion data points with data insights incl. funding rounds, news, financials, org chart and more

  • 5x increase in reach and 7x more live conversations

  • Fully compliant international database.

  • Unlimited data accessibility across Web, Mobile, API and Extension
A new standard in data quality, accuracy, coverage and compliance!




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Accurate data + phenomenal hit rates = Better results

Our accurate B2B data and hit rates open closed doors and win sales. Access over 1 billion business and company profiles, gather valuable intel and skyrocket your close rates.

Sync with your CRM

Sync your contacts from social networks, Gmail or B2B sites directly to your CRM in one click. Go back to selling and leave the manual data entry to FlashInfo.

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It gives you visibility into an organization's hierarchy and enables you to reach concerned people. It also lets you see what other people are working there, the organization's size and what types of departments. Another thing that's amazing about it; it enables you to know the last update on a person's FlashInfo profile. This lets you know if that person is still working in that company or has left it. It is easy to use and has a friendly interface. My peers prefer FlashInfo over others, and my company has been using FlashInfo since the beginning.

Mohit G.
Growth Manager
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FlashInfo has the most in-depth sorting and refining abilities when sourcing potential new leads. I feel as though I already know my customers before I make initial contact because FlashInfo does a great job consolidating all known information. I also appreciate that we can exclude any search results that our organization has already exported.

Clinton J. M.
Sales Professional
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The ability to perform advanced searches, receive inside scoops and export seamlessly to Salesforce at any time. There are other solutions in the market, but I haven't come across any that are easier to use or have as much data as FlashInfo.

Brenda T.
Team Lead, Business Development
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FlashInfo is very useful for demand generation and marketing team and sales team.

You can searched for the specific job title of the specific company on the specific region or location.You can combined almost unlimited filters that you like.

Philip W.
Manager, SDR - Sales Development
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This is the only platform on the market that can provide accurate data on prospects (email, linkedin profile, mobile phone, direct phone, etc.). You can easily find the right decision maker in companies you are targeting. Having the CRM software connected to FlashInfo makes our job so easy and we save a ton of time not having to manually create accounts or contacts. We love FlashInfo!

Marc C.
Head of Enterprise Sales